Released: | September 1, 2015 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Available for purchase |
Cost: | 1500 coins |
Resale: | 750 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Ineligible |
Tag Archives: City
Kingdom Window – City Night
Released: | March 13, 2015 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Globetrotter Souvenirs, World Realm |
Cost: | 300 coins |
Resale: | 150 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
Miasta City – Art Deco
Released: | September 12, 2014 |
Retired: | September 19, 2014 |
Location: | Outfitters, My Town (Specials) |
Cost: | 300 coins |
Resale: | 150 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
Re-Released: | December 1, 2015 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Outfitters, My Town |
Miasta City Bridge
Released: | January 25, 2013 |
Retired: | February 1, 2013 |
Location: | Prop Warehouse, The Movies Realm (Specials) |
Cost: | 300 coins |
Resale: | 150 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
Re-Released: | December 1, 2015 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Prop Warehouse, The Movies Realm |
City Street Track – Up
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 400 coins |
Resale: | 200 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
City Street Track – Down
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 400 coins |
Resale: | 200 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
City Street Track – Turn Left
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 200 coins |
Resale: | 100 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
City Street Track – Turn Right
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 200 coins |
Resale: | 100 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
City Street Track – Crossover
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 400 coins |
Resale: | 200 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |
City Street Track – Junction
Released: | February 17, 2012 |
Retired: | |
Location: | Century & Company, Yesteryear Realm |
Cost: | 400 coins |
Resale: | 200 coins |
Status: | Available |
Christmas Wish: | Eligible |