Usually around this time of year as fall foliage covers the Kingdom, giant tents pop up at My Town’s Fairgrounds to host a quaint country fair. This year, the Fairgrounds is proud to be the host of the Kingdom’s first World’s Fair, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the famous 1964 New York World’s Fair! Showcasing mid-20th-century culture and technology like never before, the ’64 World’s Fair is also remembered as the venue that included audio-animatronics, jet packs, the Ford Mustang, color television, picturephones, state-of-the-art computer technology and more.
9_13FairgroundsFollow the sign at the end of Corner Crossroads and you’ll soon stand in front of a beautiful glass building, resembling the famous Crystal Palace at the 1851 World’s Fair in London. Inside you’ll find Exhibition Hall which leads to the 5 themed areas of our Fair: Amusement, Industrial, International, Realm, and Transportation. In this month’s World’s Fair Best Room Contest, companies from all around the Kingdom are ready to sponsor pavilions in the themed areas, but they need your help creating the room! Before you step into the Contest Entry booth at the Fairgrounds, be sure to read the Contest Post to see what each sponsor is requesting their pavilion to be like. Everyone who enters will receive a special prize at the end of the month and the room you create will also become part of a Staff Event on September 28th! Stop by Exhibition Hall often to visit the portal-connected room entries as they are being created.
What else is there to look forward to this month? Fair-themed events, Dreams, Friday sales, Contests, Poll questions, Mission Rewards and more. When planning this Fair theme, we couldn’t believe our eyes after we learned that it was the 50th anniversary of one of the most well-known World’s Fairs! Have fun and enjoy this month!