4-15Dreams4The results to last week’s Retro Dream poll question are in and you have chosen MayLady’Believe in Your Dreams item to be this week’s Retro Dream re-release! The latest Believe in Your Dreams item is:

“I think it would be cool to have trees that grow fruit. Kind of the same idea as the crates, rotate for different kinds, apples, pears, oranges and one side empty.” – MayLady

Staff selected and created this special dream for MayLady on August 20, 2012. Plant an orchard in your own rooms today!
You can find the Believe in Your Dreams room in Sadie’s Courtyard Realm just off of her Great Hall. While you are in shopping, be sure to send in those great ideas you have for items, pins, furniture, clothing, rooms and features that you would like to see in the Kingdom. Remember, you can send in as many dreams as you wish! Just keep in mind, when you send in a request for a dream that is gender specific, it helps that you also send in two requests, so that guys and girls will each benefit from your dream!