With today’s release of Discovery items in Century & Company, you will be able to complete your cabin for the Discovery Challenge! Please check your cabin and make sure that you have all of the items pictured below and that they are placed in the correct location. When you step inside your cabin room, you will notice “ghost images” of where to place each item. While each cabin room must be built according to the “ghost images”, we’d also like to see you add your own personal touches to really make the cabin yours. How should this be done? Feel free to add extra items or posters on the walls, shelves, desk, luggage stand, table or other areas around the room without changing the placement of the required furnitureIf any of the required items are misplaced when the contest ends, your room will be judged as incorrect.6-14DiscoveryCabinChallenge

Check out the Discovery Challenge page on our Wiki for a complete list of required items.

Over the past few days, we’ve been leaving helpful hints in the Room Info to those of you who may not realize that items in your cabin are misplaced or are missing. If you enter your cabin and find that furniture has moved to the middle of the room, it means that it was placed incorrectly and needs to be fixed. On the last day of the contest, June 24th, feel free to add your own personal room info for the Best Room Contest!

Final Tip: Cabins need 2 Bathroom Counters, 2 Cruise Ship Plants and 33 Wallpaper Wall – Cruise with the teal-colored paper facing the bathroom interior.