We Need Your Vote
December 2, 2013Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “The best part about a Thanksgiving meal is..” are: 5% Turkey 42% Stuffing/Dressing 32% Side dishes 21% Dessert
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “The best part about a Thanksgiving meal is..” are: 5% Turkey 42% Stuffing/Dressing 32% Side dishes 21% Dessert
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “Which is the best feature?” are: 15% Saved outfits 40% AFK emote 45% Lost and Found
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “How often do you visit the Palace Theater?” are: 0% Almost everyday 75% Somewhat often 25% Not very often
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “Which of these is your favorite for each day’s celebration?” are: 50% Log in prize 27% Ride or game playing 18% Visit KC or hidden item 5% None of the listed above
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “When do you vote on poll questions?” are: 21% Monday, when it comes out 74% Sometime during the week 5% I never vote
Visit Town Hall to vote in the new poll question this week! The results to last week’s poll, “Which costume do you think Freedom should wear?” are: 14% Sally Ride 43% Statue Of Liberty 43% Betsy Ross Your votes have decided which Halloween costume Freedom will wear to the Mindyer Manor Halloween Party on October 31st. Since […]
The Kingdom has voted and tonight you will be playing the Ghost Haunting Game with STAFF_Peaches! First played on October 4, 2012, this fun-filled event was created by MickeyBeast and won the Best Game Contest in September 2012. Sam and Sadie are ready to go haunting. However first they need their crowns. Teams compete to be the first […]
The results to the Retro STAFF Event poll question are in, and you have chosen to play the Ghost Haunting Gane this Thursday, October 24th. See you there!
Which Retro Staff Event would you like to play on Thursday, October 24th? Visit Town Hall now to cast your vote for the previously played Staff game you enjoyed the most. There have been some great games in the past and it can be difficult to choose! Here is where your vote counts! Voting […]
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