Tag Archives: Contest

This month, we’ll be traveling across the globe to visit many of the world’s most iconic cities and locations. There couldn’t be a better Best Room Contest theme than “World Destination”! We’d like you to pick a famous city, country, or historic place in the world (preferably not in the USA) and make a room to represent it! […]

Staff has selected the Best Ride for February! Congratulations to Jewel, the winner (and only entry) of February’s Best Ride Contest! Jewel received these exclusive Best Ride prizes: a Best Ride Award Pin, 2015 Best Ride Award Sign and 1500 coins. Tour Jewel’s ride as the Staff Event on Thursdays in March. Way to go!

The Kingdom has voted and the count is in! Congratulations goes to Brain_Freeze, the winner of the Best Personal Room Contest for February! Brain_Freeze received these Best Room prizes: a Best Room Award Pin, 2015 Best Room Award Sign and 1500 coins. Tango, GoofyGiraffe and MayLady received a 2015 Honorable Mention Award Pin. Way to go!

When you enter the Kingdom today, you will receive a message whether your Sweet Holidays Puzzle was judged as correct. If your puzzle was correct, you received the cool Sweet Holidays Puzzle Award ribbon, a Sweet Holidays Puzzle Pin and all of the puzzle pieces you placed on the floor become rugs for you to decorate with! If you wish to […]

Make those last minute changes, because today is the last day to enter the Best Room and Ride Contests. Make sure you have the Best Room marker found in Outfitters, placed in your contest room and the Best Ride Contest marker placed in your first ride room, and your ride needs to be tested with Staff today. To those of you that have […]

Create a “Sweet” Room!

MVK – How Sweet It Is! In a month that is filled with candy, ice cream, cakes, donuts, cookies and other sweet treats, you can be sure that the Best Room Contest will be just as sweet! We’d like you to create a “Sweet” room that reflects this month’s theme. Need ideas? Here are a few to […]

On the road again… we just can’t wait to get on the road again… February’s Best Ride Contest has a special requirement – We’d like you to use only ride track that has automobiles. Collect your Jungle Jeep Track pieces or your City Street Track pieces and start building! Rooms: Your Best Ride entry needs 5 continuously […]

The Kingdom has voted and the count is in! Congratulations goes to MermaidMelusina, the winner of the 50th Best Personal Room Contest! MermaidMelusina received these Best Room prizes: a Best Room Award Pin, 2015 Best Room Award Sign and 1500 coins. All other candidates received a 2015 Honorable Mention Award Pin and everyone who entered received a 50th Contest […]

The Best Game Winner Is…

Staff has selected the Best Game for January! Congratulations to Scissors, the winner of January’s Best Game Contest! Scissors received these fun Best Game prizes: a Best Game Award Pin, 2015 Best Game Award Sign and 1500 coins. Play Scissors’s game as the Staff Event on Thursdays in February. Way to go!