Tag Archives: Best Ride

Today is the last day to enter the Best Room and Ride Contests, so make those last minute changes! Make sure you have the Best Room Contest marker found in Outfitters, placed in your contest room and the Best Ride Contest marker placed in your game room so that your ride can be tested with Staff today. To everyone who has entered either of these contests […]

How would you like to be the winner of 2014’s first Best Ride Contest? We’re looking for you to show off your building skills by creating a ride for February’s contest! You can’t win if you don’t enter, so here are the details that you need to know… The best ride room needs 5 continuously connected […]

The Best Ride Winner is…

Congratulations to ABCband, the Best Ride winner as selected by Staff! Join us Thursday night, December 26th to play the Christmas Village Event featuring all of the ride rooms created by everyone in the Kingdom this month. ABCband’s room will be the first room that everyone will tour at this unique Event. Remember, player-created rides are a […]

Make those last minute changes, because today is the last day to enter the Best Ride and the Best Room Contests. Make sure you have the Best Ride Marker found in Outfitters, placed in your Outside contest room only and it needs to be tested with Staff today. Also, make sure you have the Best Room Marker, […]

  Here is a unique spin on the Best Ride and Best Room Contests for December… Both are combined into a unique contest where everyone who enters, wins! Since this month is Christmas Village, we’re looking for each of you to contribute a building to the Christmas Village Event by entering this contest. You will […]

Ride the Best Ride!

  Tonight is the last night to join STAFF_Chip, MayLady and the entire Kingdom as we ride October’s Best Ride winning entry, the Halloween Hay Ride! Hop on the wagon and take a ride through some scary and some not so scary places. Keep an eye out for ghosts! Once again, tonight you will win a […]

  STAFF_Chip and MayLady are ready to greet you tonight at October’s Best Ride winning entry, the Halloween Hay Ride! Hop on the wagon and take a ride through some scary and some not so scary places. Keep an eye out for ghosts! As mentioned last week, normally at a Best Ride Event, you would complete […]

  You won’t want to miss out on all of the fun tonight! Come and join STAFF_Chip, MayLady and the entire Kingdom as we ride October’s Best Ride winning entry, Halloween Hay Ride! Hop on the wagon and take a ride through some scary and some not so scary places. Keep an eye out for […]

  Congratulations to MayLady, the Best Ride winner as selected by Staff! Join us on Thursday nights in November to play the event featuring her award winning ride, halloween hey ride. Player-created rides are a great way to show your abilities and to share your creations with everyone. You don’t want to miss it!