Click the shopping cart icon in the dashboard to open the Shop window. Here you can view the rooms, furnishings, pins, clothing, and posters that are currently for sale.

Shop Catalogs - The shop catalogs show each store and the items that are for sale there. The catalogs are updated at different times every month. Sometimes old items are removed from a catalog for a time and re-released later. The best way to find out when new items are coming out is to read the Newsletter.

Coins - Coins are the currency of MVK. There are many ways to earn coins such as playing Mini Games or visiting Kingdom Characters. Use coins to purchase items such as clothes, furniture, pins and more.

Buying Personal Rooms - In the “Rooms” tab, you can purchase Personal Rooms. After you purchase a room, it will then be added to your list of rooms in the Personal Rooms window.

Buying Items - In the following tabs, you can purchase a variety of items including: furniture, pins, clothing, posters, and other items. After you purchase a item, it is added to your inventory in your My Stuff window.

Note: New hairstyles, facial features and glasses, can be purchased at A New Look located on First Street in My Town.

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