Click the person icon in the dashboard to open the Character window. Here you can view the hair styles and articles of clothing that are in your inventory. This window also shows your saved outfits, signature, and pins.
Clothing - Simply click on an item you wish to wear and the preview character's image will change. Pressing the OK button will change the clothes on your character for others to see. Signature - Your signature is displayed on your Player Info window to any player who clicks on your character. |
Pins - The pins you wear are displayed on your Player Info window to any player who clicks on your character. Use the Add and Remove buttons to manage the pins you are wearing. Up to 15 pins can be worn at a time. | |
Wearing Saved Outfits - Simply click “Wear” next to the outfit you want to wear and the preview character's image will change. Saving Outfits - First, put on the outfit you want to save. Then type a name for the outfit into a slot and click “Save.” |
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