8-15LiveAndInConcertIntroducing… MVK – Live and in Concert!

When we booked Live and in Concert as this month’s theme, we knew there would be many instruments and music-themed events, Treks and Missions but nothing would excite fans more than the opening of the Music Realm! The contents of this Realm have long been the subject of speculation among players with guesses ranging from genre-themed rooms to music-making features and beyond. Clearly this Realm would have a lot to live up to, which is why we designed it to be bursting at the seams with interactive features. Today, you’ll find the Music Hub and Karaoke Cafe are open for you to explore. The Music Hub is set in a Nashville-style town with a little bit of everything – recording studio, music store, symphony hall, karaoke cafe and more! Speaking of Karaoke Cafe, this entertaining eatery lets you hop up on stage and sing your favorite tune to the patrons dining below. Each Sunday, a new location in the Music Realm will open, so read the Newsletter to know where to go and what to look for!
GumballMachineStart earning those Music Realm Tokens by riding the Outer Space Ride, playing Cosmio’s Workshop and visiting the Gumball Machine and Stage Mailboxes. Later this month, never-before-seen prizes will be available in this new Realm’s Token Machines.
Don’t forget that there are contests for you to enter as well – Best Room, Best Ride and the Puzzle Contest too. We’ve got music-themed Treks, Missions, Staff Events and more. We’ll be welcoming a new Shopkeeper to the Kingdom tomorrow and new items will begin filling up the store on Fridays!

Sam’s final Realm makes its grand debut at last, nearly five years after earning a place in the Kingdom! We’ve been looking forward to this occasion and know, without a doubt, that in the next 30 days, friends will form bands, music will fill the air and this will be a milestone release for us and for the Kingdom!