Which Retro Staff Event would you like to play on Thursday, August 22nd? Visit Town Hall now to cast your vote for the previously played Staff Game that you enjoyed the most! The MVK Staff has created some great games in the past and it can be difficult to choose. Here is where your vote counts! What will it be?

LetsGoFishingGameLet’s Go Fishing Game: Spin to see how many pieces of bait you dig up in the garden. Next, have a seat in the boat. On your turn, spin to catch the fish. You have to catch as many fish as bait. Green means caught, Red means miss and Blue means it got away – spin again. Keep fishing until you have caught enough.

RoadTripGameRoad Trip Game: It’s time for a road trip! You and your friends will be on the road at the same time. Each time you pull over to fill up, raise the count on the station you stop at, click on the track start to continue. If you stop at a station and happen to fill it to the top you win!

ThreeInARowGameThree in a Row Game: Can you get three crates in a row of the same fruit? Once the crates are empty, walk around and click on each crate and see what fruit appears. When you have a row, I will up your scorekeeper. When you fill your scorekeeper, you win!